
Showing posts with the label loving the unlovable

Blaming others or situations solves nothing

Got problems?  Insurmountable, not-going-away problems? Is Jesus Lord of your life?  Then why is He allowing these problems to persist, you may wonder. "If only he would change, Lord, I would be so much better."  But would you?  Would I? Life might be "easier" if the problem people in our lives would just repent and get a clue!  But would we be better off, truly? I trust Jesus.  I've already been through the most hellish of experiences in life - some of the "top ten" you can go through - the kind that have the power to change you - and not for the better, if you let them. I am being purposely obtuse because I'm just not ready to divulge my private life with you all yet.  So bear with me and still hear me out! I am here to say that you can keep trusting Jesus no matter what He causes or allows in your life. The "if only's" of life are a waste of thought. But as I accept  what is happening in my life - even that which is not easily acce