
Showing posts with the label no stress

Finding true rest

I read the first part of Psalm 62 this morning and was reminded of something.  My soul's rest comes from the Lord.  Oh I may need to get more sleep, which refreshes my body.  It feels good when my body feels rested. But my soul - my mind, will, and emotions - finds rest in God alone.  The Psalmist was spot on!  Unlike the other ways I try to find rest, only the Lord can provide the rest I really need.  Rest that brings me comfort and peace.  Rest that is untouchable by outer circumstances and stresses.  This is the rest I truly crave! Sometimes, I go to YouTube or other social media to find rest.  Really?! What am I hoping to find anyway?  A new recipe, a new song, show, or interview on YouTube, or even a sermon there, or a new idea on Pinterest - do any of these provide rest for my soul?  Not really.  So though I think I am relaxing when I look at these things, what I'm really looking for is escape or distraction.   ...