How strongholds work

Satan tries to set up strongholds based on lies in our lives in order for us to bow down to them as gods. Our enemy is ever distracting us away from worshiping the Lord. Our enemy wants people, places, or things to lord themselves over us. This prevents us from keeping Jesus as Lord in our hearts, minds, and lives. But if we persevere in doing as Christ wills us to do, we will eventually triumph. Make no mistake, it is a battle! Why? Because once we are secure in God’s love through worship of Him, there will be nothing we cannot do in His power and love! The enemy knows this. So exactly how does the enemy set up strongholds in us? Usually, they start small, like a foothold first. This is where we need to be aware of what is happening and nip it in the bud immediately. If we don’t, it will grow and become a stronghold. For example, let’s say you’ve been offended by someone. It doesn’t matter if it is a friend, foe, or stranger. The enemy wants to use that offense in your life to ge...