
Showing posts with the label letting go

Because I believe Jesus, I will...

I recently attended a Christian women's conference.  It is always nice to get away for a retreat and get refreshed and learn new stuff. Here's a bit of what I learned, or observed, this time around. During one of the segments, some from the audience were to bring their bits of paper and share what they wrote down, how they finished the sentence, "Because I believe Jesus, I will..." It was interesting to me that around 70-80% of the women mentioned the same thing.  "Because I believe Jesus, I will stop controlling everything." It was obvious that this trying to control stuff was a great source of stress and anxiety for these women.  But my first thought was, why do they think they are in control at all? God knows that there are plenty of "movers and shakers" among His daughters.  But who is behind the moving and shaking? As Christians, are we proud when we can "make things happen" in our own strength? How is that being a Christ follower? J...

Can you really let it go?

I have been waiting for some email responses lately, some of which can potentially change my life.  It has been nerve wracking for me. I've prayed about it, gave it all to God, and yet it still weighs on my heart and mind - the uncertainty, the wondering, and the not knowing. It's hard to truly let go sometimes.  I believe I trust God with my whole heart.  And yet when there are some issues on the line that affect my life, affect my immediate future, and just plain can either make life harder or easier for me, I give in to anxiety. It is a miserable place to live!  But I do not need to stay in that miserable state of mind. Especially when I belong to omnipotent God who is for me, on my side, ever watching out for me, and doing all sorts of wonderful things on my behalf behind the scenes.   How do I know He does all of these and more?  He promises to do them.  And if you are a child of God, you too have the same promises from His infallible Word. W...

How do we glorify God?

God humbles us.  He brings us to the point where we realize our need for Him, our dependence upon Him, and how we cannot do anything apart from Him. Only God knows the heart of the person who may say aloud, "God gets all the glory!"  We can say the words and not really mean them, or we can never say them and simply go about doing everything we do to please Him.  That is what gives God the glory. God is glorious!  His glory fills the temple!  We cannot even imagine just how glorious He is! When Jesus performed miracles - acts which are impossible for humans to do in and of themselves - God received the glory.   But we do not have to do miracles in order for God to get the glory in our lives. I've seen it all too often.  The Christian leader whose "charisma" and "personality" get in the way of Christ being seen in them.  I see more of who they are than I see Jesus. But when I see or hear a Christian who is not constantly talking about him or he...

It's a takeover, not a makeover!

Being a Christian is not about "living your best life."  It is not about being your "best self" or becoming the "best version of yourself."  These are the buzz phrases of our day, our culture.  But they are not our Lord's ways. The Lord makes it clear in His Word that apart from Him, we have and are nothing, that no good thing dwells in us apart from Him. So even our "best selves" fall so very short of the glory of God that we must come to the realization that we are lost without Him, that in and of ourselves, we are dead in our sins without Him in our lives. These words may sound extreme or harsh to you if you have been swallowing the lies of the world (sadly, sometimes coming at you through "preachers" these days, too). Jesus is not about making us "better" people by our striving, trying, or manufacturing trying to be "good."   Jesus does not want to merely give us a superficial makeover.  Jesus wants to do a c...

Your purpose

Everyone wants to know why they were born, for what purpose.  Most see their purpose as a job to do, an assignment to complete, or a role to play.  But these are the outcome of a deeper purpose. We were made for God.  And if we are carrying out any sort of purpose, no matter how grand or "famous," which excludes Him, without knowing Him, it is of no import at all in the end. Our truest purpose is to know God.  He wants to be known by us!  Can He ever be fully known this side of eternity?  No.  But we can get to know Him as much as is possible for now until we see Him in all of His glory and splendor and majesty and power. Why is getting to know God so very crucial?  Because that is our purpose!  We find ouselves in His Presence.  We are found.  We finally know true peace, love, joy, and contentment because we know Him. And out of that connection, that seeking Him daily, flows His living water from us that will nourish those around u...

Out of my hands

A choir somewhere in the midwest recorded my song, "Psalm 145" years ago.  This was the result. It was out of my hands.  I could mark the sheet music with the tempo that I wanted it performed, but the choir director still took it at a faster tempo than I had written it. It was out of my hands. So much of what we create is out of our hands, isn't it?   As I learn to let go more, I find that the "tempos" of life may take on a speed, or slowness, that I am not happy with.  And that's ok. The song was still recorded.  The song still blessed those who heard it and is still blessing worshipers today.  The powerful lyrics based on David's Psalm are still as powerful.   The main thing is, the song is in God's hands.  How do I know?  Well, everything and everyone is.  But also, because I wrote it for Him, so I know He is taking good care of it - wherever it goes, whomever may hear it.   So when we let go and things don't turn ...

All is Well


Letting everything fall apart

What is bugging you?  What is beyond your control?  Actually, that last question isn't fair - because nothing is really  under  your control and if you think it is, you are most likely stressed out. Holding it all together, are you? Talk about a stressful job! Am I suggesting that you let it all fall apart?  That depends.  Everything you try to "control" or hold too tightly has no real power to give you what you are looking for.  Controlling everything cannot offer you the peace and contentment that you really crave. A few years ago, I was lying in an ER bed stressing not about my health, but about how everything would run, or not run, without me.  My home, my family, my job - all that I felt responsible to and for. I will never forget the words a wonderful ER nurse spoke to me while I was lying in that bed - I don't even remember telling her about my worries, but she probably "smelled" them on me.  She said, "Sometimes, you just need to let ...

Making a surrender list

The other day, I was listening to Carrie Underwood’s rendition of “I   Surrender All” from her new album.  The entire album is glorious. While the song played, I felt led to write down all of the things  that I surrender to the Lord.  I wanted to see what my “all” looked   like – what items specifically I am surrendering. It’s easier to say, “I surrender all” than to be specific about it. Turns out, when I started typing a numbered list of what I am   surrendering to the Lord, I kept typing and ended up with 100 items! I felt so free!  With each new person, place, or thing I surrendered,  I just kept feeling freer and freer. This is helpful because now, when I’m tempted to revert back to   “owning” those items on my list, I remind myself, “Oh yeah.  I   surrendered that to the Lord.”  Then I’m free again. I highly recommend this exercise.  You will quickly discern just how   much you are...

Letting Go, a poem

  This is my "best seller" poem in my etsy shop.  I believe it sells the most because we all have a need to forgive, but we don't always act on it right away.  We all want to let go of hurt and pain, so why don't we? Letting go of excess baggage feels good.  Feeling lighter feels good.  All of us who have ever lost weight know this to be true!   Just like in the physical realm of losing weight, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally lightening up feels good, too.  Things are as they should be. You holding onto a hurt, grudge, and the like, is hurting you and those around you.  I include those around you because they sense your discomfort.  It shows in a sarcastic barb that comes out of your mouth, in being short-tempered, in an overall vibe of dis-ease. We are at ease in ourselves when we forgive.  We are light. So why don't we do it consistently?  Some of us do, perhaps.  We are the rare ones.  I wish it weren't so r...

How to let go

We all like to feel that we are in control over our lives.  What an illusion!  If we have learned anything at all from this pandemic is that we have very little control over the outer circumstances of our lives. Now self-control, that is the control we can control! How to let go of the stress and worries that beset us? Rest.  Trust.  Faith.  Submission. Confidence in Christ. When we rest in Christ, we have peace.  We are free to let go of our fears, worries, doubts, and lack of control because we trust Him  more than anything or anyone else - including ourselves! Why should we trust Christ?  Because He is in charge!  And not only that, He is thoroughly good.  That is a hard concept to grasp when all we see as human examples are flawed ones.  Even the best human example is still human! To realize His power and authority and that He is also pure goodness is a very comforting truth, and that Reality supersedes all other "realities." He...

Are You Carrying a Heavy Load?

  This is another "pin" from my Pinterest board of my original sayings.  Sharing this to help those of you who feel overburdened with a heavy load in life.  May these words lighten your load as you release it to the only One who can fully carry it - the Lord Jesus Christ. The rest of the quote: Don't forget to check out more inspiration here:  My sayings Dear Lord, help me let go of this load that I am carrying.  I trust You to take care of all that concerns me.  Help me do my part and leave the rest to You.  Thank You that I do not have to be anxious for anything because I belong to You.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

Here's your breakthrough! It's not what you think...

Are we in search of an immediate breakthrough from the Lord?  A miraculous healing or deliverance?  Or are we in it for the long, hard work, painful haul? Be all in.  Yet another one of those catch phrases that becomes trite-sounding after awhile.  But when you are truly "all in" with Jesus, there is no turning back.  When the road gets rough - and if you are truly "in," it will get rough - what then? I saw a book on a co-workers desk once (back when we worked in the office - remember those days?), with a title something like, "Here's Your Breakthrough." I thought about it for a second. Then the Lord spoke to me, "Forgive others.  That's her breakthrough." The Spirit knew that she needed to forgive others.  Maybe someone from long ago in particular.  Once she did that, and stuck with it, she would get her breakthrough. So buying a book and reading it is very easy.  Most anyone can do that.  We want that magic "deliverance" that ...