How to let go

We all like to feel that we are in control over our lives.  What an illusion!  If we have learned anything at all from this pandemic is that we have very little control over the outer circumstances of our lives.

Now self-control, that is the control we can control!

How to let go of the stress and worries that beset us?

Rest.  Trust.  Faith.  Submission. Confidence in Christ.

When we rest in Christ, we have peace.  We are free to let go of our fears, worries, doubts, and lack of control because we trust Him more than anything or anyone else - including ourselves!

Why should we trust Christ?  Because He is in charge!  And not only that, He is thoroughly good.  That is a hard concept to grasp when all we see as human examples are flawed ones.  Even the best human example is still human!

To realize His power and authority and that He is also pure goodness is a very comforting truth, and that Reality supersedes all other "realities."

He is absolutely trustworthy (sigh, relax, shoulders at ease).  

He gives us the gift of faith if we let Him.  Are you too intelligent for an all-knowing God?  Think you know better about what is happening in the world?  All the info you can "search engine" cannot even come close to His omniscience.  Chew on that for a while!

He knows what you're going to type into the search engine before you do, along with the other billions of souls on the earth Googling things.  And even if you were to find millions of pages of "results," He knows each and every result and more!  Now that's knowledge!  Talk about a super power!  Ha!

So we can turn to Him with all of our needs because He knows

Submission has wrongly become a bad word in our age.  We think it means weakness or worse, stupidity - like we can't think for ourselves.  But again, who is worthy of more trust - our limited knowledge, or the Omniscient One?  So submitting, or yielding to the power of Christ is power!  We let His wisdom and knowledge and answers and solutions carry us through, offer us hope, and keep us in His peace when all around us seems to be falling apart or changing at a rate too fast for us to possibly keep up.

Peace.  Everyone wants it.  And what's more, we were made for it.  How do we get it and then keep it?

We go to the Prince of Peace, the One who is peace.  And it is there we can let go because our soul has found the One in whom we know we can trust fully, completely, and always and forever.

And when we let go, we don't have to fear things getting out of control, because we are resting and putting our faith in the only one who is in absolute control and knows and does what is best for us.  

We can let go when we are secure in our relationship with God through Christ.  We loosen our grip and enjoy His peace that passes all understanding knowing that He is still on the Throne, in full command.  Sure we still have our responsibilities.  But when we are undergirded by the power of the Holy Spirit, we know the difference between what is ours to do and what only He can do.  We let go.  He takes over.  And all is well in our souls.

Dear Lord, help us relax and rest in You no matter what.  Life is hard, but we have had it so easy in many ways.  We find out what we're made of during a crisis such as this life-changing pandemic.  We discover that we need You.  All of the research and vaccines in the world can never offer the peace that only You provide.  We were made for a deeper, lasting peace.  Praise You that we find that in You!  Praise You that true peace can be found in You!  We just have to know where to look.  Then, as we let go, we trust You to put it all right that which concerns us and we can go blissfully about our business knowing that You, in all of Your righteousness, are in full control.  Thank You, O God, for these truths.  We bless and praise Your Holy Name, O Lord.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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