It's all panning out exactly how God wills

Is this hard to swallow, considering the shape our world is in?

What people don't realize is that the further they get from God, the worse the world's condition will be.

People are waiting too long to come to Jesus.  If you wait too long, your despair may take you down paths you don't want to go.

As things "heat up" in our world, it will boil down to this: you either will cling more closely to Christ or you will move farther away from Him.

You will get angry because He is causing natural events all over the place and your mind won't be able to figure it out.

You're not up with the times we live in.  If you're going by the news reports, what you read online, what you see and feel in your own life - the increasing fear and hatred or indifference you may see even just going to the grocery store (where is the joy?) - none of what is about to go down will make sense to you.

The human mind wasn't meant to comprehend history or current events in its own reasoning.

What is coming upon the earth - all playing out exactly as God determines - will take a supernatural understanding given to us by the Lord.

Are we in the End Times already?  Is the Great Tribulation just up ahead?

I don't know.

All I can go by is what I see happening - wars, rumors of wars, natural disasters all happening in quicker succession than in any time in history.

And I stay in the Word of God which explains it all - how these things "must happen" before the second coming of Christ. (Luke 21:9)

So not much takes me by surprise.  God has prepared me.  Not that I'm sitting around waiting for "the other shoe to fall."  But when it does fall, it is merely a sign of the times to me.

Where will we turn when life as we know it or knew it no longer exists?  What will the ever-changing "new normal" be like for us?

If you haven't coped well with the craziness of the pandemic and its results, I suggest you come to Christ, receive Him into your heart and life, so that you will be better prepared for more craziness ahead.

Once you are saved, you will have a deep hunger to read His Word.  You will understand it finally and it will come to life for you beause the Spirit in your soul will now resonate with the Spirit of the Word - God Himself.

All of your conceptions and misconceptions about God and who He is will vanish in the light and Truth that you are now able to understand, receive, and ingest.

You will be alive and a new creature in Christ!

You are going to need this connection more than ever to really be able to handle all that is about to fall on this world.  Without it, you will either despair, grasp at whater "remedies" you are used to grasping at (drugs, alcohol, escapism, etc), or get depressed.

So why would you settle for second best in life when God wants to give you the best?  Himself!

Lord, it's hard to watch what is happening around this world that You love so dearly.  But Your Word reveals the Truth to us so that we will not be left in the dark about the strange things happening around us.  I pray that You would "reel in" all of those on the fence about You, Lord.  Bring in the sheaves!  Raise up Your chosen ones so that we can offer more light to this dark world and increase the light in the world.  Thank You for revelation, Lord Jesus.  You didn't have to let us know the beginning to the end, but You did!  Please give us more and more wisdom to understand that whatever is happening, no matter how seemingly terrible, that it is all a part of Your will and plan.  You are the Alpha and the Omega, Lord - the beginning and the end.  You are also everything in between!  May Your Name be praised throughout the earth, O God!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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