Two steps ahead, one back
That is how we travel our faith walk. Two steps ahead, one back. No one's trajectory is full on straight ahead. Life happens. There are setbacks, tests, trials, apathy, and so on. The key is to not berate yourself over the one step back, like I do. Progression, not perfection, is what a family member once told me. Was my quest for spiritual perfection that obvious?! Can someone want to be like Jesus too much? The more we rest, the more we progress. That is my new motto. Fruit doesn't force itself to grow. It simply hangs on the branch. The water, soil, sun, climate, and so on, take care of the rest. So for all of my effort to do more, be more, and the like, I've decided to rest in Jesus instead. This is not passive. Not one bit. It is wise. Hey! How about that! I have been praying for more wisdom lately. There it is! Be still. Another translation reads cease striving - trying, pushing, wanting, being imp...