How to let go
We all like to feel that we are in control over our lives. What an illusion! If we have learned anything at all from this pandemic is that we have very little control over the outer circumstances of our lives. Now self-control, that is the control we can control! How to let go of the stress and worries that beset us? Rest. Trust. Faith. Submission. Confidence in Christ. When we rest in Christ, we have peace. We are free to let go of our fears, worries, doubts, and lack of control because we trust Him more than anything or anyone else - including ourselves! Why should we trust Christ? Because He is in charge! And not only that, He is thoroughly good. That is a hard concept to grasp when all we see as human examples are flawed ones. Even the best human example is still human! To realize His power and authority and that He is also pure goodness is a very comforting truth, and that Reality supersedes all other "realities." He...