
Showing posts with the label problems

Blaming others or situations solves nothing

Got problems?  Insurmountable, not-going-away problems? Is Jesus Lord of your life?  Then why is He allowing these problems to persist, you may wonder. "If only he would change, Lord, I would be so much better."  But would you?  Would I? Life might be "easier" if the problem people in our lives would just repent and get a clue!  But would we be better off, truly? I trust Jesus.  I've already been through the most hellish of experiences in life - some of the "top ten" you can go through - the kind that have the power to change you - and not for the better, if you let them. I am being purposely obtuse because I'm just not ready to divulge my private life with you all yet.  So bear with me and still hear me out! I am here to say that you can keep trusting Jesus no matter what He causes or allows in your life. The "if only's" of life are a waste of thought. But as I accept  what is happening in my life - even that which is not easily acce

Idolizing our problems

We all do it.  Some may do it less than others, but we still do it nonetheless.  We worship our problems. Is this too strong a language?   If we focus on, meditate on, spend time thinking about, and magnify our problems, then yes, we are worshiping them! As Christians, we know that worshiping anything or anyone else other than Christ only leads to disillusion and heartache.  Worse yet, it is a huge sin. So how do we make idols of our problems? We cling to them.  We think about them day and night.  We are consumed by them. Now this is not 24/7 (hopefully!) and it is not every day. But it happenes enough to deform our character in those moments.  That is because whatever we behold, we become. Like most every other sin, at the root of it is lack of trust in God. If we don't believe that God will help, rescue, deliver, heal, or remove whatever is "getting our goat," then we simply do not trust Him. Is there any problem too big for God to handle?   Is your problem financial? 

Problems are temporary

Sometimes, this is all we need to know. Dear Lord, please help me see that my problems are temporary.  Help me focus on You and Your glory - eternal things - so that I may gain a better perspective on life here and now.  I trust You, Lord, and leave all that concerns me in Your very capable hands.  Thank You in advance for how You are working things out for my good!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.