My 40-day fast - insights
From Day 1 of my fast, I had a greater desire to spend time with the Lord. In addition to my usual morning quiet time, I spent my lunch hour with Him, too. I listened to sermons online, or read, or wrote in my prayer journal. I felt closer to God. I had peace. Normally, I would usually spend my lunch hour watching a sitcom, or looking at cooking shows online - always looking for new recipes! I had no desire for either during the fast. I kept a daily journal during the 40 days. In the Bible, 40 is an important number. Awesome things took place during either 40 days or 40 years. I wondered what my 40 days would bring me, where it would lead and take me. I tried not to place too many expectations on the fast, on what the Lord would do in, around, or for me and instead I simply hungered for more of Jesus. Thank You, Lord. I wasn't distracted by food or "entertainment!" It came more naturally now to focus on the Lord, st...