The art of listening
How many good listeners do you know? I know very few. I'm not sure why this is - why most of us are so much better at talking than listening. Everyone wants to be heard. To be understood. But when we're too busy talking or waiting to voice our opinion instead of truly listening to others, we lose out. Everyone has something to teach us. Everyone. From the youngest child to the oldest senior. I think to listen well, you need to possess the following qualities: 1. Humility 2. Patience 3. Empathy 4. Teachable 5. Ability to focus/concentrate If we do not naturally possess these qualities, we can learn them! How? Like anything else: practice. We tend to respect some people's "voice" over others. Usually, this is due to that person's reputation - they have been deemed an "expert" or they have many "followers." But people can build a reputation on sheer pride that has nothing to do with what they truly ha...