
Showing posts with the label wisdom

Nehemiah completes his work

We learn in chapter 5 of Nehemiah that the government was overtaxing the Jews.  Nehemiah's response to this had various stages. First, he was angry.  Then he thought about it. Let's pause here.  How many of us give in to anger over injustice only to "live" there instead of regrouping and giving it thought?  Do we tend to let our emotions get the best of us?  Or do we move on into rational thought instead?  It's hard to do sometimes, but very possible! Nehemiah's response after he gave it some thought was to confront the powers that be over their misdeeds.  He told them flat out that they were taking advantage of his people.  He said directly, "The thing that you are doing is not good." (v 9)  That took guts! Then, Nehemiah told the governor to fear God and restore to the Jews everything they had stolen from them. It's like they needed to be told, like children, right from wrong, and how to rectify their wrongdoing.  And they listened and...

These three words set me free

I know nothing. I don't even remember what I was thinking about, but the other day I blurted out this sentence, head lowered humbly before the Lord, and do you know how He replied?   "Now I can use you." You mean You haven't been using me all along, Lord?! I believe that the Lord uses us whenever we work for Him, give to Him, give out of our love for Him and to bless others. But for some reason, it seems like when we admit that the more we think we know, the more we realize we really know nothing, God has more "room" to use us.  We get out of His way.  We get out of our own way. Compared to our all-knowing Creator God, we truly know nothing, right?  I mean He knows everything about everyone, all science (the stuff yet discovered, too), all wisdom, every number of every hair on every head (boggles the mind), every book ever written, every event in the history of the world (and why), every future event and how it's all going to play out. When we truly medi...

The Holy Spirit leads you

We all need direction in life.  We want to know the future, our destination, where we are going. What better help could we ask for than an all-knowing compass in the Holy Spirit?  The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity and is equal to God and Jesus.  They are one and the same Being. So how are we led by the Holy Spirit?  We let Him!  To be a follower, we must be willing to be led.  It may seem a simple explanation, but unless we lay down our "rights" and also the belief that we know best, we cannot truly follow Christ via the Holy Spirit. The Spirit testifies to Truth.  Always.  He will never steer you wrong. But how do we know when it's the Holy Spirit leading us, and not someone else or even ourselves? Practice. As we listen to the Holy Spirit, at first it may be hit or miss.  And that's ok.  You hear among Christians all the time, "I thought God told me..."  I'm not sure why this happens.  To keep us humble?...

Types of crushing

So the other day, I wrote about being crushed by the Lord, and how it is for our ultimate good.  Read that entry here:  Stop, Jesus! You're crushing me! But then today, I had another revelation about crushing.  And I need to write about it again because I want you to know about the different types of crushing and how to tell the difference between them. When the Lord crushes us, He is after something in us that He wants to expose in order to heal or get rid of.  It is a painful process, but ultimately, like removing a splinter from under our skin, it is for our good. However, when others try to crush us in order to lord themselves over us via power, manipulation, or control, that is bad.   Now that may seem an obvious statement.  And perhaps you can perceive when this is happening to you.  I cannot always tell the difference. When you see all as coming either from, through, or allowed by God's Sovereign hand, it's easy to write everything off as ...

Having discernment

I believe now more than ever that Christians need to pray for more astute discernment.  What spirit is this?  Is this a trusted source?  Is this person truly of God? These questions are ones we need to ask ourselves, and God, as the enemy endeavors to deceive even the elect. Are we beyond deception?  I think if we think we are beyond it, that is precisely when we can fall into it! Now I've been studying God's word for over three decades.  I'm no scholar, but I know God's character.  I know His ways.  I believe Him with all my heart.  I know that He is true and that He is the one, true, living God. Does this make me impervious to deception?  I must stay in His Word, seek Him daily, in order to not fall into any sort of deception. Deception is deceitful!  Yes, I am aware I am being redundant!  But because it can be subtle, and sound even good, we really must be ever vigilant. We may even need to give ourselves a good ol' dose of some ...

Jesus tells me this a lot

Don't cast your pearls before pigs.   Yes, Lord.  Lord, where do I find those who are not pigs?   Still waiting an answer to that one.  I believe He will give me discernment as I go. What does all this mean?  It means that when we give our best that God has given us - His wisdom through us, His anointing on us, the talents and gifts He put in us - and it is met with indifference, animosity, jealousy, or hatred, that those receiving/listening are as pigs who don't know any better.   If we were to cast literal pearls - priceless and invaluable - into a pigsty, the pigs would trample on them because they are ignorant.  They're pigs.  They don't know any better.  They're accustomed to slop and mud only.  Where does that leave humans?  When humans, who should  know better, trample on the gifts we give through Christ, then they are either prideful, stubborn, ignorant, jealous, insolent, or of their father the devil. "B...

Sweepers, sayers, and silent ones

It seems like there are a few different ways that people deal with conflict.  Sweeping, saying, or staying silent. Some are great at sweeping things under the proverbial rug.  Problem with that is the problems are still there!  Oh they may seem  hidden, but if you lift up the rug, there they are in all their hidden ugliness. Some are great at talking (this has been my "gift" in the past!).  The problem with this can be that we say too much.  People may not be ready to hear what we have to say.  And trying to clear things up by bringing them out in the open can backfire if not done in the Spirit.   Then we have those who don't say anything at all.  They don't sweep and they don't speak.  They keep it all inside to themselves.  These may be the winners on the outside because they appear to be fine.  However, their physical bodies may belie this seeming fact.  They may have ulcers or a damaged nervous system or a cabinet...

Live a Life Worthy

This is my first blog entry.  The Lord told me to start a blog.  So here I am!   I love sharing what I'm learning from the Lord - His Word, life experiences, what He is teaching me, struggles, victories, etc.  Nothing excites me more than sharing new insights about God!   I am also a songwriter so I will be sharing my music here, too.   And don't forget to check out my musical, "Knowing God," at the Knowing God tab. Thanks for being here!  Enjoy one of my songs: Love, Elizabeth