How to be a Christian in the End Times

The End Times are not the same thing as the Last Days. We've been in the Last Days since Jesus died and rose again. The End Times include the Great Tribulation and all that leads up to it. People throughout the ages have thought, "This is it! The world is coming to an end!" World events, natural disasters, wars and such have all led people to believe that God's will was coming about in the form of the End Times. I'm not here to argue the timing of Christ's second coming - His coming before, during, or after the Great Tribulation. I am here to hopefully help you prepare in case we are facing the End! Here's a non-exhaustive list of what I think it's going to take to be a true Christian in the End Times: 1. Stay close to Jesus (if you're not saved yet, get saved today! Ask Jesus into your heart) 2. Pray a lot 3. Understand that as the world gets worse, we are not to despair but know that everything that happens is under God's absolute power...