
Showing posts with the label victory

Admit defeat and win!

Admit defeat and win?! That statement doesn’t make sense! Or does it? When we surrender to God, admit that we cannot win against the spiritual principalities in our own strength, then He comes in and wins for us. That is the only way to victory in the Christian life!  But first, we must acknowledge that we are no match for the devil, the enemy of our souls, when it comes to spiritual warfare.  That is a job for Christ, for only He is the Victor. Our Lord made a spectacle of the devil when He died for us on the cross.  Satan was defeated then and there.  Alleluia! So though the devil is still active in this world (duh), think of him as always trying but never winning.  That is the great deception that he offers the world - that he can still take God’s place.  He is already defeated. But millions around the world do not know this, and that is how he gets into people’s hearts and lives, unknowingly. So when we admit that we cannot slay our Goliaths, but in the...

When a lose is really a win

Throughout the Word of God we see His people being defeated.  But not for long!   And even when it seemed "permanent," it wasn't.  Why?  Because as Christians, even when we lose our lives, we win!  So if we take it to that extreme - the seemingly worse "loss" of all - there simply is no way we can lose as Christians! If we die, we are with the Lord!  This is THE biggest win of our lives! If we lose the occasional spiritual battle, it teaches us to know better the next time around. If we lose all of our possessions, we still have Christ!  And He provides better. If we lose our reputation, man's opinion matters not anyway because we belong to Christ and our true character is known by Him alone. So many seeming "failures" in my life were ordained by my loving Heavenly Father.  A good parent doesn't want their child to succeed before they are ready to handle it.  And the Lord is our perfect Parent.  Only He knows when we need to learn f...

We triumph in Christ when we follow His lead

Did you know that as Christians, we do not have it in ourselves to win spiritual battles?  We are no match for the devil. Now this should not scare you because when we are in Christ, He has the power to beat the foe.  Every Time. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 2:14 that Christ always  leads us in triumph.   Always.  That means always! So why, then, do we still fail in our attempts to live a godly life? Simple.  At that moment, we are not following Jesus. We call ourselves followers of Christ.  And overall, we are. But in the heat of the battle, when we are suffering, when others are upsetting us, or whatever the case may be, are we following Christ then? He always leads us  in triumph.  So that tells me that triumph, or victory, is not a given.  We must do  something.  And that something is not what we think!  It is not to fight back in our own strength.  We lose when we do this because our battles our spiritual,...

Get on your knees and do battle!

When we truly know that our struggle is not  against flesh and blood - people - but against principalities in the spiritual world, then we know how to properly battle. We are not fighting against people. I repeat, we do not fight against people. People are either captives of the devil (knowingly or not) or children of God. Now the trick is to discern who is who and what is really going on. When you feel strife in your spirit because of how someone is treating you, or how they are trying to get at you, that is never, no never, from the Lord. The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. (Romans 14:17) So where there is no righteousness, peace, or joy, as a child of God, you have no business there! You do NOT have to receive everything thrown at you! When you are committed to pleasing the Lord, obeying Him, walking in the Spirit, and serving Him, you will  come under attack from the devil!  Make no mistake about it.   If you are lukewarm, ...

More enemy tactics

The minute you were born again into Christ, the devil became your enemy.  Before that, you were no threat to him.  But once you have the power of God living inside of you through the Holy Spirit living in you, he wants to destroy you.   I hate to even talk about him!  But as Christians, we must be hyper-alert to his ways in these last days so we can stand our ground, hold fast to our faith, love others, and be bolder than ever in our witness for Christ.   The devil is a liar.  The devil is a destroyer.  The devil hates.  But his tactics are usually more subtle than obvious.  He is crafty and sneaky.  He works through people and situations.  He is trying to: wear you out discourage you discredit you get you to sin get you to doubt get you upset get you to walk in the flesh get you to lose heart tempt you to give up altogether show you a supposed easy way out get you to hurry and rush God's timing get you to settle for less ...