Get on your knees and do battle!

When we truly know that our struggle is not against flesh and blood - people - but against principalities in the spiritual world, then we know how to properly battle.

We are not fighting against people.

I repeat, we do not fight against people.

People are either captives of the devil (knowingly or not) or children of God.

Now the trick is to discern who is who and what is really going on.

When you feel strife in your spirit because of how someone is treating you, or how they are trying to get at you, that is never, no never, from the Lord.

The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. (Romans 14:17)

So where there is no righteousness, peace, or joy, as a child of God, you have no business there!

You do NOT have to receive everything thrown at you!

When you are committed to pleasing the Lord, obeying Him, walking in the Spirit, and serving Him, you will come under attack from the devil!  Make no mistake about it.  

If you are lukewarm, a "sort of" Christian, the devil will not mess with you so much.

But when you are determined to glorify God and honor Him in and with and through your life, look out!

Now we are not to ever live in fear of the enemy.  Never!  If we could see just how powerful God is, Who He is, and that how the same Almighty, all-powerful God lives in us, we would never fear anyone or anything again!

It is actually the devil who fears the Christ in us!!!  

"Greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world."  I John 4:4

The devil knows this full well, but that does not stop him from trying to derail you.  The devil knows how powerful you are in Christ and that you are a total threat to his dark kingdom.  That is why he is after you so hard!

Now I don't like focusing on the enemy.  Life works better when I aim to keep my focus on the Lord, worship Him, and let Him be at the center of my life, work, and thoughts.  But I am aware of the enemy's tactics so that I can overcome through the power of Christ!

The devil runs fast when we worship Christ!  He can't stand it!

That is our greatest weapon!  Worship and the Word of God.  That is why it is so important to know the Word of God - it is a Sword against the enemy!

When we pray on our knees, the devil is toast!

If you are under spiritual attack - you know you are if your emotions are disturbed and you are in inner turmoil or strife - then shout out a praise to God!  Get on your knees and pray.  The devil WILL flee!

Know that fighting the spiritual battle is worth it. Christ has overcome the world!

And please remember that the battle is over and done - it is FINISHED!!!  Christ won on Calvary over 2,000 years ago!

So walk in that pre-won victory, dear child of God.  Walk in love. Walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.  Press on!  You have already won!


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