
Showing posts with the label following Jesus

Letting go of useless distractions

There are a plethora of sayings out there telling us what we need to do with and in our lives.  Here is a short list of items that you may have heard. And now that you have heard them, perhaps repeatedly, you feel an unconscious, or even conscious, weight on you like you “have” to do these things.  Word for you:  you don’t. Here we go: 1.  Find your tribe If Jesus is our truest and highest and only example in how to live, then this statement is not one for Christians.  Jesus was about doing His Father’s work every day of His earthly ministry.  Jesus was not concerned about “fitting in,” or finding His tribe.  He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah!  That was enough for Him.  And you being a child of God is enough for you, whether or not you ever find a “tribe.”  Finding your tribe is a useless pursuit because people change.  People are fickle.  People leave.  Putting our hope or identity in a tribe is a recipe for disappoint...

The Bizarro World of a Christian

You’d think that if God wanted you to become more loving, He would place you around those who are easy to love. Nope. Just the opposite. Welcome to the Bizarro World of following Jesus Christ! When the Lord wants to work in us to love others in the same way that He loves, He puts the most ogre-like people around us. Why does He do this? Because the kind of love that Jesus wants us to give others is unlike the world’s love. Most anyone can love those who love them.  Jesus commands that we love our enemies, those who mistreat us, those we just don’t like. This is a fine line because we are not to hang around those who do evil.  Yet when the Lord arranges our parameters, which He does, so that we are face to face with horrific sorts day after day, it can pan out one of a few ways. We can become embittered.  Or we can do everything we can to avoid the beasts.  Or we can let God love them through us. “Forgive her as if it never happened; like I forgive you.” Whatever God ...


Are you a member of any rewards programs?  I am.  It's fun to receive bonuses and offers simply for being a good customer.  You know the ones I mean, a discount offer, something for free, and other special perks.  Who doesn't enjoy these rewards? But did you know that Jesus offers us eternal rewards that never spoil, fade, or perish?  I want in on that program!  Of course, it is not a program at all.  But there are definitely awesome rewards.  But you need patience to wait for them, and lots of faith to know that they are waiting for you, because they won't be revealed this side of heaven.   Some of the rewards we can look forward to: Loving our enemies.  Cha-ching! Forgiving those who hurt us.  Cha-ching! Obeying God no matter what. Cha-ching! Seeking Jesus daily.  Cha-ching! Trusting God more than self.  Cha-ching! Believing in God's goodness during the hard times.  Cha-ching! Knowing God.  Cha-ching! Choo...

Give up your puny plans for God's plans

Think you know best?  Think you can dream up a better plan than Almighty God?   I want only God's plan for my life. I don't want my way, I want His way. I don't know the way, only Jesus knows the way. Do you know how long it has taken me to reach this point?  Decades, friends, decades. So be careful because you can spend an entire life - even as a follower of Christ - seeking your own will, way, and plans.  Millions all over the world are doing just that.  How do I know?  I think the world would look completely different if we were all totally on board with God's plans.  Because His plans are good!  His plans are best!  His plans are beyond our wildest imaginations!  There would be many, many more souls won to Him. What's wrong with making plans, you may ask.  It's only wrong when done apart from God's will, without seeking Him or acknowledging Him.  If you bulldoze forward because you pride yourself that you are a "planne...

How to know who to follow

We live in an age of followers.  Who are you "following" on social media?  Are you an "influencer" or a "follower?" Our culture talks about following so many different things and people.  Unless you're grounded in what really matters, it can get confusing out there. Here are just a few misleading suggestions: Follow your heart. Follow your passion. Follow your dreams. Follow only the hippest and coolest people on social media. Follow the stock market. Follow the trends. Follow success. But each and every one of these is precarious.  None of them are firm foundations.  How is this so?  Because each and every one of them is changeable.  They are not secure. So why are we told over and over to "follow" such shifting shadows? Because that's all the world has to offer.  Empty promises.  No-good claims.  Instability.  None of these have the power to really meet your deepest needs. None of us are meant to walk through life alone.  We ...