When to shake the dust off your feet
I have stayed on in unbearable circumstances out of obedience to Christ. But in all honesty, I am not always 100% sure if He wants me to stay or not when I am in those situations. You see, I see all of life, as a Christian, as Jesus forming me into His image. And it is never the happy times that do such a thing, but always the hard times, the trials. This is more than mere "character-building." This is Christ forming His very nature in me. If you don't think this forming is hard work, think again! Yes, we are to rest and abide in Him while He does the work in us. But we must cooperate. We are to obey. That is where the rubber meets the road in our lives as Christians. Most will simply walk away from an unpleasant situation before the Lord has fully done the work He wants to do in them there, in the muck and the mire. Especially these days where "boundaries" and "rights" are all the rage. But many times, our most fru...