The power of repetition

If we are on our phones for any length of time these days, we cannot avoid seeing all of the sales and “great deals” being offered. ‘Tis the season! If you keep seeing the same ad over and over, even if it’s an item that you don’t need, you may weaken and give in and buy the thing! There’s a lot to be said for the power of repetition. The same holds true when it comes to God’s Word. There is power in reading the Scriptures over and over. And the beauty of it is that, unlike a cyber ad, the Word is alive and has the power to change us. It holds everything that we truly need, and not just at Christmas, but always. When we read and reread God's Word, we can see something new in that familiar Scripture passage by the power of the Holy Spirit revealing new meaning to us. Unlike that “must have” item for sale that will eventually become old and lose its luster, and our interest, the Word of God is eternal, never perishes or fades, and has lasting value to our souls. Won’t you trea...