
Showing posts with the label God's character

Do we really believe Jesus?

We lack nothing when we belong to Jesus. Everything we need, He supplies. Always. But in my experience, one of the temptations we face from the enemy is he attacks this very truth.  The enemy tries to convince us through his lies that we are missing something; that we lack something.  It could be anything.  His tactics have not changed since Eden.  He tries to get us to doubt God and His provision and goodness. God always provides exactly what we need, exactly when we need it.  Do you really believe this about Jesus? I am not talking simply about finances here.  I am referring to everything that we are tempted to worry about, whether it be relationships, good health, or anything else that we are struggling with. I am here to reassure you that if you are a child of God, you are never lacking or wanting for anything.   Now you may be experiencing a seeming  lack. But God promises us in the very well-known Psalm 23 that we lack nothing.  Th...