God, the perfect Father

I have learned over these many years how our Heavenly Father sometimes treats His children. It may surprise you. Our Heavenly Father is the only perfect Father there is. He knows each of us more intimately than any earthly parent ever could. He is equal parts mercy and discipline, and both are done in the purest love imaginable. Everything He does, He does in love. Everything. Now that we have established that, let's talk! I recently looked back at some of my blog entries and I noticed a pattern. I write a lot about suffering. Lots of referrals to Job. Lots of lessons being learned, spiritual growth, and such. But lately, I've started to wonder if all of my life is supposed to tip heavier on the suffering side of the scale. And if there is no seeming let-up, what’s a girl to do? We’ve heard all of the grape analogies. The crushing, the pruning, the tilling, the waiting for ripening, etc., etc. But when you are the grape (...