Your calling

You may have read in many sources (online, books, etc.) that your calling has to do with your gifts and talents. Yes, the Lord can definitely sanctify and use our gifts and talents for His glory and purposes. But then why did God call the following people for the following tasks? Moses had a stutter, was a murderer, and was not very brave. Yet God chose him as His mouthpiece and leader to His people. He entrusted the Ten Commandments to Moses! Peter was ambitious, unreliable, and impetuous. Jesus made Peter His rock on which He built His church. Isaiah was a man of unclean lips (he had a potty mouth). God chose him to be His most important prophet to speak to Israel and foretell of Christ's identity as the Messiah! Noah struggled with getting drunk. God used him to literally save the world, and animal, population. Where in the world did we ever get the idea that God chooses "upstanding" citizens?!? It is just the opposite! God chooses the weak and foolish s...