
Showing posts with the label plans

Give up your puny plans for God's plans

Think you know best?  Think you can dream up a better plan than Almighty God?   I want only God's plan for my life. I don't want my way, I want His way. I don't know the way, only Jesus knows the way. Do you know how long it has taken me to reach this point?  Decades, friends, decades. So be careful because you can spend an entire life - even as a follower of Christ - seeking your own will, way, and plans.  Millions all over the world are doing just that.  How do I know?  I think the world would look completely different if we were all totally on board with God's plans.  Because His plans are good!  His plans are best!  His plans are beyond our wildest imaginations!  There would be many, many more souls won to Him. What's wrong with making plans, you may ask.  It's only wrong when done apart from God's will, without seeking Him or acknowledging Him.  If you bulldoze forward because you pride yourself that you are a "planne...