Here's your breakthrough! It's not what you think...
Are we in search of an immediate breakthrough from the Lord? A miraculous healing or deliverance? Or are we in it for the long, hard work, painful haul? Be all in. Yet another one of those catch phrases that becomes trite-sounding after awhile. But when you are truly "all in" with Jesus, there is no turning back. When the road gets rough - and if you are truly "in," it will get rough - what then? I saw a book on a co-workers desk once (back when we worked in the office - remember those days?), with a title something like, "Here's Your Breakthrough." I thought about it for a second. Then the Lord spoke to me, "Forgive others. That's her breakthrough." The Spirit knew that she needed to forgive others. Maybe someone from long ago in particular. Once she did that, and stuck with it, she would get her breakthrough. So buying a book and reading it is very easy. Most anyone can do that. We want that magic "deliverance" that ...