
Showing posts with the label overcoming

The big buzzword of our day

The big buzzword these days is "toxic."  Everyone is supposedly toxic or knows someone who is toxic.  Our workplaces, we are told, are toxic.  Our relationships are toxic.  Where is all of this poison coming from?!  And did it always exist? We have become so hyper aware of other's issues, and the issues of our day, that we carry loads we were never meant to carry. Now I know that it is easier said than done to not let said issues get under our skin.   If we truly believe what the "experts" say about toxicity and its prevalence, then where are we supposed to go to escape it?!  I mean if it is everywhere , then what's a girl to do? Get with God. I know. I'm a broken record.  My solution is always to go to God.  But that's because He is the only One who has the solutions!   When we take time to get into God's Word about life, our situations, emotions, other's issues, and our own issues (which, let's face it, are really a matter of...

The Promised Land is a mindset

This morning during my quiet time with the Lord, I had a revelation.  I feel like I may have already known this on some level, but it became clearer to me. The revelation is that I do not have to wait for a location or place to "enter in" to the Promised Land.  Yes, Joshua and Caleb entered a physical, literal land.   But I believe that our "wilderness" is not always due to our circumstances, no matter how abysmal.  I believe we can know and live out God's promises for us anywhere and in so doing, we "leave" the wilderness and enter in to His bounty. That's what the Promised Land was - it was rich agriculturally, filled with life. This is more than "positive thinking."  So much more! This is taking each promise that the Lord has given us in His Word and actually believing them! Did you know that you can know something without really believing it?  I know plenty of Bible verses by heart, but when I live in doubt, fear, worry, anxiety, and ...

Why we overcome

We overcome to teach others how to overcome. We are to share the ways that God has empowered us to overcome any or all of the following: bad attitudes fears obstacles haters doubts pain and suffering spiritual battles The list is endless! I don't believe there is one way - one catchall "help" for everyone.  I believe that the Lord's path for each of us is unique, and therefore the way in which He empowers us to overcome is unique to each of us.  He overcomes through us in the power of His Holy Spirit.  But how  we pray, how we worship, how we battle - each are unique to each of us. But all of us, at one point or another, have experienced one, more, or all of the things on this list.  Our problems are universal. How have you  overcome these problems?  That is what makes you you . Gideon fought his battle God's way - which made no sense in the natural - and won!  David only needed one small stone.  Joseph's battle took fourteen years or more to...

Living with this dichotomy

Can you feel blessed and favored by God and also cursed by man?   Things are getting weird out there, folks.  Really weird. The more we shine our light for Jesus, share the Truth - not your truth or my truth, but the Truth - the more we experience hatred and disdain from others. Get used to it. Or as Bette Davis famously said in All About Eve, " Fasten your seatbelts; it's going to be a bumpy night."  The confusion happens when we mistake being mistreated by others as mistreatment from God.  After all, God is Sovereign.  So He could stop others' persecution of us, right? Yes, of couse He could. Yet stuff happens. There is a huge spiritual battle raging around us 24/7. Those who oppose Christ - many, ignorantly - they don't even know why  they're opposed, but they just are - are rampant.  Haven't run into many?  I'd say you are in the Holy Huddle, then.  This is not how Jesus lived His life. Jesus was "out there" among the people - many o...

An encouraging word for you

The Lord spoke a precious word to me this morning. I share it with you here. I pray it blesses you! DON'T GIVE UP!!! I know how hard it has been for you and in you and on you. LAY IT ALL DOWN, MY CHILD! Let Me care for you. Let me handle EVERYTHING that concerns you. For you take on too much in your own strength. Yoke with Me. And even when you don't see your prayers answered when and how you like, always trust that I know EXACTLY what you need when! Rest more. Struggle less. Be at peace no matter what. For I AM your peace, not your circumstances. All things are possible with Me! The battle is heating up not just for your, but for My people everywhere. I AM preparing you for the days ahead. Think of it as boot camp! Take My strength as your own. Spend more time on your knees in prayer. Just do it! And remember that I have overcome the world!

Keep praying

Even when you don't see results. Even when you want to give up. Even when things are getting worse. Even when you don't believe. Even when you are tired. Even when you doubt Even when you just want to escape. Even when it seems hopeless. Even when you've had enough already. All of these situations and feelings are when we need to keep on praying and seeking the Lord.   Praying in season and out of season means that not all seasons are alike. Is your horrible "season" just going on and on with no seeming end in sight?  This can be very wearing and stressful on the mind, body, and soul. I don't know why some seasons seem to take forever.  Especially when you have the faith that the season could end with a snap of God's fingers. "Why isn't He answering my prayer?" you ask.  "What is He waiting for?" I don't have an answer for you.   But I do know that we are to keep asking, keep knocking, keep believing, keep seeking, keep, keep, k...

Enemy tactics

Did you know that the enemy will distract you from God's will with something totally unrelated to His will?  The enemy is always trying to divert our attention off of the Lord and onto something totally irrelevant to our walk with God. When you obey God's will, you have a huge influence on those around you. You never fully know, this side of heaven how your obedience is influencing others for His Kingdom, but God promises to bless your obedience.  So not only does your obedience bless your life, but is also blesses those in your sphere of influence. Be forewarned: when God tells you to do something, and you obey God and step out in faith, the enemy will try to get your focus on something or someone that doesn't matter in the least to your calling. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood.  So when the enemy brings to mind how someone mistreated you, remember that you are dealing with principalities and strongholds in the spiritual realm, not  the person who harmed...