Living with this dichotomy

Can you feel blessed and favored by God and also cursed by man?  

Things are getting weird out there, folks.  Really weird.

The more we shine our light for Jesus, share the Truth - not your truth or my truth, but the Truth - the more we experience hatred and disdain from others.

Get used to it.

Or as Bette Davis famously said in All About Eve, "Fasten your seatbelts; it's going to be a bumpy night." 

The confusion happens when we mistake being mistreated by others as mistreatment from God.  After all, God is Sovereign.  So He could stop others' persecution of us, right?

Yes, of couse He could.

Yet stuff happens.

There is a huge spiritual battle raging around us 24/7.

Those who oppose Christ - many, ignorantly - they don't even know why they're opposed, but they just are - are rampant.  Haven't run into many?  I'd say you are in the Holy Huddle, then.  This is not how Jesus lived His life.

Jesus was "out there" among the people - many of whom hated His guts.  Religious leaders hated Jesus.  Sinners were drawn to His love and grace and message of His Kingdom.  Nowadays, it would appear that sinners are not even drawn to Jesus so much, so in love with their sin are they.

So when - not if - the persecution happens, are we ready, like Stephen when he was being stoned - to say, "Father, do not hold this sin against them"?  He said this while being pummeled with rocks from Christ-haters.  I can't even imagine.  But I will need to not only imagine, but do it!

This is how it is until we get there, into the Kingdom - or until Jesus' Millennial Reign.  

I wish it weren't so - I'd much prefer that we all get along and be at peace.  But Jesus told us to expect it! Trouble, that is.

The hard part for me has been experiencing antagonism from other so-called Christians.  I mean, we are supposed to win others to Christ by our love for one another, right?  And yet there are those who may be born again but have chosen not to really walk with Christ.  They believe in Him, but they "do life" any way they want.  Those are the ones who are threatened by the real deal, because they know that they themselves are lukewarm and therefore really don't like being around anyone truly living for Christ.  Again, such is the world we live in.  Think Judas.

So I am here to encourage you - you can live with this at-odds dichotomy.  How?  Like we do any other difficult thing - by leaning into and trusting Christ.  Seeking His wisdom, strength, and courage.

It will all be over soon enough, friends.  Whether we die or whether the Lord comes back for us in our lifetimes, this life is but a breath.  Momentary, light afflictions.  (2 Corinthians 4:17-18)

So press on and keep the faith!

Thank You, Lord, that You faced much worse than we will ever face when it comes to persecution.  You bore the worst for us so that we can know peace, have freedom, and be in a relationship with You - both now and forevermore.  Alleluia!  Help us press on in faith knowing that whatever comes our way, it is but for a moment in the scheme of things  In Jesus' Name.  Amen. 


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