Who needs religion?!

You will eventually despise and resent religion. Why? Because no one can keep the ten commandments fully. No one can keep manmade laws perfectly. Religion places an impossibly heavy burden on you that you cannot carry, so of course you give up! That is why you need to discern between religion and having a relationship with Christ. Never the twain shall meet. It's kind of hard to wrap your brain around because Christ is intertwined with Christianity, a religion. But Christ came to set the captives free. Now mind you, He still would have us obey the law but He knows that we cannot in and of ourselves; not the way that we need to. He knows that we could never earn our salvation. He is our Redeemer. If your pride dictates that you still try to be a "good" person, and do the "best" you can, good luck. You may pull it off to a degree, even win the compliments of people, but it just won't cut it on Judgment Day! We. All. Need. A....