God is calling you
Will you answer Him? He calls you through a myriad of means. He wants you to find and know Him, for therein lies true life. So what are you doing to push Him away? Ignore Him? And why? Don't fall for the lie that you can "do life" on your own. We none of us were created that way. We need God. Not only to save us from hell, though that is surely reason enough! But so that we can know our true purpose in life, why we were created, where we are going. A branch that is cut off the tree withers and dies. Once it is no longer attached to its source of life, that's it - there is now other possibility for it but death. Like that branch, if we are cut off from God - when we do not receive Him as Lord and Savior - then we are dead, though we live. We are a spirit. We have a soul. We live in a body. We are all born spiritually dead. We cannot fix this in and of ourselves. The only animating life force that brings our spirits to life...