God is calling you

Will you answer Him?

He calls you through a myriad of means.  He wants you to find and know Him, for therein lies true life.

So what are you doing to push Him away?  Ignore Him?  And why?

Don't fall for the lie that you can "do life" on your own.  We none of us were created that way.  We need God.

Not only to save us from hell, though that is surely reason enough!  But so that we can know our true purpose in life, why we were created, where we are going.

A branch that is cut off the tree withers and dies.  Once it is no longer attached to its source of life, that's it - there is now other possibility for it but death.

Like that branch, if we are cut off from God - when we do not receive Him as Lord and Savior - then we are dead, though we live.

We are a spirit.  We have a soul.  We live in a body.

We are all born spiritually dead.  We cannot fix this in and of ourselves.  The only animating life force that brings our spirits to life is the Living God via His Holy Spirit in us.  

That's how it works.  I didn't make this stuff up - it is all in God's Word.

And I have lived out the truth of it for over 30 years now.

I have seen how the ways of the world with all of its empty promises destroy our culture into thinking that they can do without God.  Have you seen the news?!  It's a bloomin' mess out there.

Well, it's always been a mess, you may say.  True. But not like this.  

If you've lived any length of time you see the effects of a godless society everywhere you turn - the utter disregard for authority, the shameless sinning (not only shameless, but proud of it), the pushing for removal of God from just about everywhere - we're stooping lower and lower.

What is the remedy?

What it was and always will be - God.

Please don't confuse this with religious rituals.  I say this because if you have been burned (or bored) with religion, that is because that is not the real Jesus.  Jesus offers life!  He is life!  And abundant life, at that.

But not always in the way that we think or maybe want.

The fullness lies within.   The riches of life that Christ offers are in the form of Himself.  His love, His joy, His peace, His kindness, His goodness, His faithfulness, His self-control - these are the fruit of His Spirit. (see Galatians 5:22-23)

Who wouldn't want these things in their heart and life?

God is indeed calling you.  If you are reading this, He is calling you here and now.  He is calling you to come to Him, to lay it all down, to give up your "right" to yourself and to trust Him as your Lord and Savior.

What are you waiting for?  Another pandemic?  What will it take to move you to your finest destiny?

There is nothing and no one in this world greater than God and His Kingdom.  He is worth your acceptance and trust.  He loves you and wants to give you what you really want - Himself.

It's all in Him!  Won't you respond to Him today - this very moment?

Dear Lord.  You are worthy of all we are.  You are worthy of our lives, devotion, trust, all of it, because You are Lord.  Thank You for calling us and giving us true life in You.  Thank You for pardoning our sin.  Thank You for everything!  We come to You seeking Your will and Your ways, Lord.  Show us the way. In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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