
Showing posts with the label eternity

Do you make demands on your life?

An example of this might be, "I should be further along in life by now."  This statement is fed by the comparison demon. "I treat others well, but they still mistreat me."  You're in the best of company.  So did Jesus. "I thought I was doing the best thing in life, but it didn't turn out the way I'd dreamed." Spoken like someone who actually bought the bait that they are the "master of their destiny."   At the crux of all of these musings is a mistaken rulership identity.  As Christians, we are no longer in charge of our lives, how they roll out, why things happen.  And those who do not belong to Christ who have managed to carve out a seemingly "better" life are, underneath, clinging to worry, doubt, and fear, though they may not acknowledge it or want to face it.  I know this to be a fact because there is no real, lasting, and true peace apart from a relationship with Christ.  Let them have their "mindfulness," yo...

God's purpose for us

Dearest one, your purpose is to know Me.  All other accomplishments are temporary. Those who accomplish much without knowing Me are not fulfilling their true purpose.   Don't forget that I do not "keep score" as the world does.  I look at one thing and one thing only.  Your heart. I know what and who is on the throne of your heart every minute of every day. And when worries, cares, projects, idols, people, etc., take My place on the throne of your heart, you are not in your truest purpose. When you allow Me to rule completely - over your mind, will, emotions - and live in your heart fully, that is when you are fulfilling My great purpose for you. Out of that comes real and lasting fruit. It may not evolve into temporarl fruit, but that is not your aim anyway. Eternity.  Eternal rewards.  Lasting treasures.  These are yours when you keep Me as your Center. Plus, you have My peace as a sign of My approval of you, My Presence in and around you giving...

Knowing your purpose

A purpose is more than a goal or a 5-year plan.  There is a greater, overarching, life purpose that God has for each and every one of us that needs to take precedence if we are to find any meaning in life at all. To know God. But how? you may ask.  Bible study is definitely one way.  After all, it is God's book and revelation of Himself to us.  We see how He chose the Jews to be His own people in the Old Testament.  What did He choose them for?  To be His own.  That they might know Him. Then, we see God send His only begotten Son, Jesus, in the New Testament.  We see God's endless grace and mercy poured out toward us through Jesus.  Now, we too, along with the Jews, are called to know God.  As we come to know Christ, He grafts us into the true Vine - Himself.  We are now part of His family. He sets a course for our lives once we belong to Him.  It may look nothing like we'd imagined for ourselves in our own, limited minds....

The root of fear

Did you ever ask yourself what is behind all of the fear happening inside and around you? Covid.  Just say the word and fear raises up inside us.  But why is that?  No one wants to get sick, feel bad, or have fatigue - a really bad flu and worse.  No one wants to suffer or be in pain.  So there is the fear of getting sick and feeling awful. But the deeper fear underneath all of that is the "elephant in the room."  Death.  That is the mother of all fears that drives all the lesser fears. And why do people fear death?  It doesn't hurt.  When you're gone, you're gone! It's what happens next.  When you have not received or believed in Christ, you are spot on in your fear of death.  You should fear it!  Because it is not the end.  Oh it's the end of your physical life, to be sure.  But not your eternal one. That one is spent either in heaven or hell. There.  I had the guts to say it! Yes, both are eternal realities....

Problems are temporary

Sometimes, this is all we need to know. Dear Lord, please help me see that my problems are temporary.  Help me focus on You and Your glory - eternal things - so that I may gain a better perspective on life here and now.  I trust You, Lord, and leave all that concerns me in Your very capable hands.  Thank You in advance for how You are working things out for my good!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

Let God define your purpose

What is it that you think you need to make you whole?  What piece is missing in your life? "If only I had ______, I know I could make it."   When life doesn't turn out as planned, where to we turn? Or when we reach a certain age where we thought we should have "arrived" by now but aren't there at all, then what?  Give up?  Stop dreaming?  Stop living? No one tells you that you wake up one day and you're 20 years older in a flash.   Oh sure, people talk about how quickly time flies.  But we don't really feel  it when we're young.  It's only as we get older that we realize how short life really is. And boy, it  - time, life - whizzes by at breakneck speed. Maybe you are a goal-setter and your life is so carefully planned out, to the smallest detail, that you are  exactly where you planned to be in life, where you wanted to be, and doing what you thought you would be doing at your age.   For me, it's like the Lord w...