Do you make demands on your life?

An example of this might be, "I should be further along in life by now."  This statement is fed by the comparison demon.

"I treat others well, but they still mistreat me."  You're in the best of company.  So did Jesus.

"I thought I was doing the best thing in life, but it didn't turn out the way I'd dreamed." Spoken like someone who actually bought the bait that they are the "master of their destiny."  

At the crux of all of these musings is a mistaken rulership identity.  As Christians, we are no longer in charge of our lives, how they roll out, why things happen.  And those who do not belong to Christ who have managed to carve out a seemingly "better" life are, underneath, clinging to worry, doubt, and fear, though they may not acknowledge it or want to face it.  I know this to be a fact because there is no real, lasting, and true peace apart from a relationship with Christ.  Let them have their "mindfulness," yoga, and the like.  Give me Jesus.  Theirs are just more ways of trying to control everything!

I've seen manipulators and game-players lauded and honored in this life.  Others either don't know when they're being duped or they like it!  Sometimes, the bad guys seem to win, and so often, life is unfair in this way.

But!!!  This is not the only life!  I will preach this truth until my last mortal breath!  

We all of us will spend eternity in either heaven or hell.  When we surrender to Christ, believe in Him, receive Him, we are assured that we will spend eternity with Him.  Alleluia!  And it really has nothing to do with us!  Good, bad, ugly, or what have you, all Christians have this one thing in common:  our salvation is a gift from God; an act of grace toward us through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.  

No one but no one earns their way into heaven.  Nope.  If that were the case, then why did Jesus tell the murderer hanging on the cross next to Him that he would be with Him in paradise that day?!

This rubs some people the wrong way.  They want to think that they are "good enough" to reach God's Kingdom in and of themselves.  Big mistake.

So this life will end.  Then, we will meet our Maker.  When we get to heaven, we will have forever to live the life we are "meant" to live - one without fetters, this flesh, and fear.  I can't wait!!!

In the meantime, I am learning to not make so many demands of this temporary life, of myself, of others, and of God's timing.  For I know that He has forever to fulfill His plans for me.  This life is but a prelude, friends.  Yes, how we live it matters.  But what matters most is that we live it in and with Christ.  And let the chips fall where they may! 

Dreams dashed?  We have eternity!

Can't fix that one, stubborn problem in your life?  We have eternity!

These are not copouts.  These are reality.  No one's life has turned out exactly the way they want  - and this is a mercy!

We all need something to look forward to, right?  And what better event then life eternal with God?!

Oh Lord.  I think I would rather have more control over my life, but You show me time and again that that is not where true satisfaction lies.  The only real satisfaction in life is in knowing You, dear Lord!  So when things don't go as planned, or as I'd hoped, please help me cling to You all the more.  Help me choose to stop listening to the lies of this world that say that we are to control our own destinies.  For Your path goes much deeper than this.  Your path is the way to Life, to eternal life.  Your tests, trials, and tribulations - all the things we would just as soon do without - are the very stuff that You use to transform us into Your image.  This is more than just "character building."  This is a total transformation that will come to full fruition in heaven with You!  So help me to let go, Lord, and be at peace simply knowing and loving You, and being found in You.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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