Trusting God no matter what
I recently finished teaching a 6-week study on Habakkuk from Dannah Gresh's book. Here are a few takeaways that I gleaned. Habakkuk was a prophet of God. He seems to start out self-focused but eventually comes around to aim his focus on God instead. This, I believe, is the daily choice we all face throughout our faith walk with Christ. Will we choose to let the cares of this world affect us, have more import in our souls than Christ? Or will we choose to trust in Him no matter what? Habakkuk had a relationship with God. That's where it all starts for each of us. How we respond in and to that relationship is entirely up to us. Pause and think on that! The God of the universe, the One holding everything together, deigns to have a relationship with us! And most are wandering through this life without knowing Him at all. I say wandering, because if they are without Christ, they are lost. No exceptions. Habakkuk learns to cling to God. This means that he took his eyes off...