
Showing posts with the label blessings

A special blessing for you

Dear friends, Thank you for reading my blog.  I hope that it is an encouragement to you! The Lord is leading me in new directions lately.  I am opening my Virtual Piano Studio to give piano lessons!  I also coach vocal students. I wanted to bless you in this way, in case you, or someone you know, is interested in studying piano with me. Here is the link to sign up: I am running a special offer if you sign up by August 10th! Blessings, Elizabeth

I have a confession to make

The Lord has been telling me for a while now to practice my songs.  And as much as I am in the habit of obeying the Lord no matter what - here comes my confession - I have not done as He said. Why? I figure, why bother?  Who's going to hear them anyway?  I feel like Demi Lovato from her song "Anyone." "I feel stupid when I sing Nobody's listening to me Nobody's listening" But I know that God is listening.  Is that enough for me?  Do I need an audience?  Can't I just sing for the joy of singing?  Especially songs that came from my heart, soul, and spirit? I've been through so much in the past - many negative experiences that have left their mark on me.  That is not an excuse.  Just how it is.  I really have to muster up the energy to sit down at the keyboard and sing any more.   As a child, I would sit at the piano for hours and just sing and play.  What fun I had!   Of course, that was eons ago, and in between th...