
Showing posts with the label holiness

Being set apart

Christ calls us to be holy.  We cannot manufacture holiness on our own.  No way, no how. There is no action, no mantra, no position, no words, no anything that can make us holy. So why would Jesus tell us to be something that we cannot be? Enter Holy Spirit. To be holy means to be set apart.  But how?  For whom?  For what? Set apart can mean, for some, to be separate from the world, separate from others; kind of like being an oddball, a square peg in a round-hole world. But Jesus was not a recluse and He was entirely holy.  Jesus was engaged in teaching, healing, performing miracles, eating, drinking, "doing life," as we call it these days, fully and completely.  But it was never an outside-in job. He was acting from the Spirit of God in Him, inside-out. Christians can be tempted to think that acquiring holiness is something they need to "do" on the outside, like give up something (sinful habits), or do certain things more (go to church more).  Bu...

Keeping God at the center of our lives

If I focus on people more than Jesus, then they become the center of my life.  My life is my inner life first and foremost: my thoughts, emotions, desires.  What or who am I allowing into my heart?  How do I practically guard my heart? "Halt!  You cannot enter here!" I can speak these words out loud to anyone or anything trying to overstep my boundaries.  "You are not allowed into my heart, for it is holy ground because Jesus lives there." Things that cannot abide in the same place where Jesus is: - hurt - unforgiveness - lust - pride (being "right") - fear - doubt - people's opinion of me - confusion - worry over a perceived lack of resources - fearing the future based on past experience - comparisons This is not an exhaustive list, but you get the point.   But when I let Christ rule in my heart as the center of my heart and life, I am trading the above list in for this list of rich benefits: - peace - love - joy - boldness - courage - wisdom - knowle...

Falling at Your Feet

So years ago, I sat down to write an old-fashioned style hymn.  This is what the Lord inspired in me. I just sat down to sing it and whenever I do, I can't make it through with dry eyes. It is such an awesome truth and Reality that we will one day see Jesus face to face.  It is such an awesome Reality that we will be there in His glory with Him, though we have done nothing to earn a place there.  Out of His mind-blowing grace, we will be allowed to enter in where the streets are made of gold.  We will reign there with Him.  We will wear crowns. To imagine the next life in comparison to life as we know it on earth, well the difference is unfathomable. In Revelation 1:17, the apostle John says,  "When I saw Him, I fell at His feet like a dead man." God is that awesome and holy.  So falling at His feet when we see Him as He is is a Reality.   If any of you grew up singing the great hymns of old, the chord progression of my song will make sense t...