Keeping God at the center of our lives

If I focus on people more than Jesus, then they become the center of my life.  My life is my inner life first and foremost: my thoughts, emotions, desires.  What or who am I allowing into my heart?  How do I practically guard my heart?

"Halt!  You cannot enter here!" I can speak these words out loud to anyone or anything trying to overstep my boundaries.  "You are not allowed into my heart, for it is holy ground because Jesus lives there."

Things that cannot abide in the same place where Jesus is:

- hurt
- unforgiveness
- lust
- pride (being "right")
- fear
- doubt
- people's opinion of me
- confusion
- worry over a perceived lack of resources
- fearing the future based on past experience
- comparisons

This is not an exhaustive list, but you get the point.  

But when I let Christ rule in my heart as the center of my heart and life, I am trading the above list in for this list of rich benefits:

- peace
- love
- joy
- boldness
- courage
- wisdom
- knowledge
- contentment
- Reality
- power
- grace
- assurance
- faith
- security
- fullness
- freedom
- riches of Christ
- mercy
- revelation
- simplicity
- trust

Again, this list is not exhaustive, but you get the point here, too!

The first list is the list of the flesh.  It is a bully!  It uses force to push its way in.  So I must stand my ground in Christ, resolute that I will guard my heart from these bullies, by seeing them for what they really are and by not letting them in.

Our hearts are command central.  All of the issues of life flow from our hearts.  That is why it is so crucial to guard and protect it from the bad stuff.  

It takes diligence and a made up mind to keep on guarding our hearts.  It takes letting go of control and letting Jesus rule there.  When Jesus rules in our hearts, we know peace.  We are free.  

When anything or anyone else rules there, we're headed for trouble!  Even "good" things can become as gods if we're not careful.  Good or not, they're not God.  And only He has the right to fully live in our hearts once we belong to Him.

But remember, according to Scripture, our hearts are deceptive above all else (Jeremiah 17:9).  That is why it is crucial to know God's truth, His Word, so that our hearts can know truth from lies, good from evil, God's will from our own.

Do we treasure our own hearts?  After all, that is where God Himself lives via His Holy Spirit.  

We hear the expression, "Keep God at the center of your life," but we need to know how.  And since our hearts are at the center of ourselves, we must start there.  If our hearts are right with and toward God, if we keep a heart of worship toward Him, we are keeping Him at the center of our hearts and lives.

When we come up against a hard decision, we need not worry or fear or be confused because God lives inside us.  So if we sit quietly before Him, and listen, He will lead the way and help us make the best possible decision.  He will always give us peace in our hearts when we are making the best decision.

What a privilege that the God of the universe has stooped to live in human hearts!  Let us never take that for granted and always treasure His Presence in our hearts.

Dear Lord, please forgive me when I live out of the first list - the flesh.  For when I allow those things into my heart, it pushes you out.  I am not called to this way of life.  My life is hidden with Christ in God.  Therein lies my freedom, love, peace, joy, and so much more.  Thank You for providing us with hearts that can know You, hearts where You live Your beautiful life through us.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.


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