Getting around to forgiving others
Are you holding another's sins against him or her? How long have you held that grudge? Do you think it is serving you? In your mind, has it punished your offender, this withholding of mercy? How does God forgive us? When we seek Him for His mercy and grace, He delivers forgiveness. Immediately. The thought of God holding a grudge against us is unfathomable. He promises to forgive us if we confess our sins to Him and ask His forgiveness. We, however, being wiser than God (sarcasm) withhold forgiveness toward others because they don't "deserve" it. And we do deserve it?! There are countless Christians roaming this earth with the sludge of unforgiveness in their hearts. How can they fully follow Christ with a darkened heart? If you are in that camp of those who refuse to forgive, please know that it is harming you more than it is your offender. Years ago, while undergoing chemo treatments, I was on the phone with one of the many provide...