Forgiving others brings us to a better place

We've all known them.  People who hold grudges.  There is something small about them, almost like a caricature.  Not fully human.  Not able to be free within themselves.

Holding on to unforgiveness shrinks us.  Where we could be stronger, taller, more fully fleshed out if we were forgiving instead, we remain small, lost, tied up inside by our unwillingness to let go, to release the other from our "right-ness."  

Are we "right" when we assess someone's wrongdoing toward us?  We may be correct in our assessment of the situation, but that doesn't make us right.  

It is so harmful to our souls, psyches, even our physical bodies, when we hold on to bitter feelings inside toward others.  So why do we do it?  It feels horrible!  Why do we torture ourselves so?

We think that it somehow "gets back" at our wrongdoer, but we couldn't be further from the truth.  It harms us.  The very thing that's supposed to make us "feel better" ends up destroying us.  

Though it may seem difficult, if not impossible, it is actually easier to forgive others than to bear the horrible side effects from not forgiving them.

I would rather forgive, let go, and let God deal with it all and be free than be held captive by my own choosing.

I've done both - held on to a grudge and quickly forgave.  Forgiving feels better.  If I feel a grudge attaching itself to me, I pray.  I hate that feeling and I don't want it disrupting my life any further.  

And contrary to what you may think, it does not "have to" disrupt your life, your soul, your spirit.  You are in charge of how you forgive others, or not.  God isn't going to force you.  But He cannot be fully present with you, either, if you choose to remain bitter.  

After all, it's right there, in the way He told us to pray:  forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.  Do we really believe that?!  Do we really want Jesus to forgive us in the same way we forgive others?  

Jesus wants an intimate relationship with each one of us, but He cannot abide where there is sin in our hearts.  And not forgiving others is sin, plain and simple.

This has always amazed me among Christian circles.  I mean this, above all, should be our hallmark - what makes us stand apart from the heathen - how we forgive each other.  Yet time and again I see such petty behavior among those who call themselves Christians.  Why is this?  Why don't we take this more seriously?

Did you ever stop and think that if others saw us actually living out the act of forgiveness toward each other that we just might win others to Christ, that they would be attracted to us and Him because of our maturity in this area?

Sadly, it has become almost comical to believers, like a game.  Except no one wins.  

An unforgivng spirit is petty, small, and downright ugly.  

Why not be different?  Why not be the one who actually does what Jesus wants us to and forgive others?  Why not do ourselves a favor and forgive exactly the way we want to be forgiven.  It is so freeing!  You can live your life with no bitterness in your heart.  You can live your life above pettiness and the status quo.

You can, and by God's grace, you will!

Lord Jesus, I cannot thank You enough for forgiving me over and over again, without end, for I need it.  Help me impart graciously the same thing to others when they wrong me.  Not because they deserve it - they don't any more than I do - but because I am called, as Yours, to do so.  And it feels good to forgive.  Thank You that it is a choice and I do not have to be a "victim" any more.  I praise and bless Your Name, Lord Jesus, for this truth.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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