
Showing posts with the label detours

The detour may be the best way!

Sometimes, driving down the accustomed road isn't possible.  Sometimes, we need to take a detour. I've decided to start reading the Word out loud every day.  Not sure why I haven't made a practice of this before.  What led me to this "detour" was when I recently looked up the original Hebrew word for meditate from Joshua 1:8.  I was stunned to learn that the original word for meditate actually means to growl, moan, utter, even howl!   Crazy right?! I mean when I envision meditating on God's Word, it is usually in thought, in quiet.  But that usually gets interrupted by other thoughts!   But if I read Scripture out loud - take a detour, an unexpected route from how I usually meditate - I just may end up getting where I want to go after all.  Where I want to "go" is into God's Presence.  I also want His blessings, the success that He promises to His chosen in Joshua 1:8 if they do not let His words depart from their lips. It is not a ...