We triumph in Christ when we follow His lead
Did you know that as Christians, we do not have it in ourselves to win spiritual battles? We are no match for the devil. Now this should not scare you because when we are in Christ, He has the power to beat the foe. Every Time. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 2:14 that Christ always leads us in triumph. Always. That means always! So why, then, do we still fail in our attempts to live a godly life? Simple. At that moment, we are not following Jesus. We call ourselves followers of Christ. And overall, we are. But in the heat of the battle, when we are suffering, when others are upsetting us, or whatever the case may be, are we following Christ then? He always leads us in triumph. So that tells me that triumph, or victory, is not a given. We must do something. And that something is not what we think! It is not to fight back in our own strength. We lose when we do this because our battles our spiritual,...