Wrestling with God
Wrestling, reasoning, pleading my case with God. Been there, done that. Guess who won? Every. Time. Jacob wrestled with God and came away with a limp the rest of his days. Did he really think he could "beat" God, or get God to do what he wanted Him to do? Yet we "wrestle" against or with God all the time. "Lord, please, please take away this trial. If You would just do this, I could be happy and not be so stressed all the time." "Lord, why are you letting this disease go on and on? Why won't You heal her/him/me? Where are You? Why don't You answer me?!" "Lord, I give up. I've done everything I could to follow and obey You. Yet You keep allowing trials and tribulations in my life. I can't take any more!" "Lord, if you don't bless me with ________, I can't go on. Why are you taking so long to bless me with _________?" Do any of these ring true for you? If you have a real relationship with ...