Jesus is not for sale
And neither is His salvation. His salvation is a free gift to us. Totally undeserved. Totally unmerited. Do you remember that line from the Elton John song Tiny Dancer , "Handing tickets out for God"? That lyric has always bothered me. There is no ticket to God. Nothing to "hand out." I suppose Elton was referring to a gospel tract, not sure. Though tracts are powerful, they are not tickets. The Gospel message is for everyone. Since we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God - everyone from Mother Theresa to Hitler - we are all in desperate need of a Savior. Enter Jesus. Many would like to earn their way to heaven by trying to be a "good person." No dice. Even the finest human being is not perfect enough for heaven. Many would like to "buy" their way in (hence, the ticket analogy) with their good works or donations to charities and other worthy causes. Again, no dice. The only way in is through Jesu...