
Showing posts with the label takeover

It's a takeover, not a makeover!

Being a Christian is not about "living your best life."  It is not about being your "best self" or becoming the "best version of yourself."  These are the buzz phrases of our day, our culture.  But they are not our Lord's ways. The Lord makes it clear in His Word that apart from Him, we have and are nothing, that no good thing dwells in us apart from Him. So even our "best selves" fall so very short of the glory of God that we must come to the realization that we are lost without Him, that in and of ourselves, we are dead in our sins without Him in our lives. These words may sound extreme or harsh to you if you have been swallowing the lies of the world (sadly, sometimes coming at you through "preachers" these days, too). Jesus is not about making us "better" people by our striving, trying, or manufacturing trying to be "good."   Jesus does not want to merely give us a superficial makeover.  Jesus wants to do a c...