Lessons from Nehemiah, chapter one
I just started a Bible study on the book of Nehemiah. Here's what I've learned so far from chapter one, and the first few verses from chapter two. Nehemiah had a mission from God. He was to rebuild the the walls of Jerusalem. It was quite a job ahead of him. He knew he was going to need help from the powers that be. He needed to ask for King Artaxerxes' help. Before he approached the king, Nehemiah did a few things first. First, he mourned, wept, prayed, and fasted before God. He reminded God of God's faithfulness, His promises to His chosen people that He gave through Moses, and His covenant with them. Nehemiah knew God, God's character, God's history with His people, the Jews. Nehemiah confessed the great sins of his people as well as confessed his own sins before God. Nehemiah was part of the problem. Now, God was going to use him to bring about His solution. God chooses whom He chooses. God knew Nehemiah's heart. God ...