How to work with God

Did you know that you can work against God's working in your life? Jesus Himself said that you are either for Him or against Him. No neutral ground there. I read in one of my devotionals this morning about how we can either work with God, or against Him. I wanted to know how I can better work with God, so I asked Him how to do so. He gave me a short, simple list: 1. Always forgive 2. Keep smiling 3. Keep trusting Me 4. Always be thankful 5. Do not limit Me! Ahh. This list refreshes me. It restores my soul. How? First off, it is not complicated. Each of these is doable! If I had to say which one is hardest for me, it would be #5. I'm sure I limit God in many ways and areas of my life. Typing these words makes no sense as I see them written out! I mean, I know that God is infinite. I know that He can do anything, including the impossible. I know these things in my mind. Yet, when I ask of Him certain...