Who's the boss?

There is a hierarchy!  And all the world's problems point back to this - how we mess with the hierarchy and thereby make a mess.

This happens at all levels - on the world stage down to the home.

Here's the hierarchy:

Pretty simple, huh?  Do you see how it went wrong?  

Here's the messed up hierarchy:

Yes, the Lord gave us dominion over the earth, to rule and care for it.  But!  But under His Lordship and rule.  What would that look like?  Exponentially better than what we've got!

When we seek the Lord, He gives us direction.  He knows best because, well, He is Lord!

How do I make the best decision here, Lord?  What is in the best interest for this country, this state, this city, this family?  Our position will dictate which of these we seek Him about.

When we don't seek Him, we are relying on our own wits and brains.  Now there are some awfully smart people that God made.  But are any of them Omniscient?  Enough said on that!

God knows the beginning from the end.  He not only knows how best to govern, but He has the power to do so!  When we listen and obey, when we tap into His wisdom, things go well.  When we don't, not so much.

Too simplistic, you say?  The proof is in the proverbial pudding, I say.

I think we can all agree on one thing:  this world is in a hot mess!

How did we get here?  And how do we move forward?  Can we "make it better" in our own wits and strength?  

Yes, there is ingenuity that God gives us.  But what's it all for and how do we utilize it?  How do we get beyond having our way, or "making a name" for ourselves, or even knowing what is best?

One look at our congress will tell you that we cannot all agree on the best way!

But God always knows best.  In a jam?  God knows the way out.  Distanced yourself from Him?  His arms are always held open wide to welcome you back into the fold.

When each of us takes personal, individual responsibility to honor and obey God in our lives, beautiful things happen.  Collectively, we can build heaven on earth!  But only when we report to the Boss of all bosses - the Lord Jesus Christ!

This flesh of ours gets in the way, though, so we must be willing to "die" to it in order that His Spirit can rule and reign in us - because He is the only one with perfect wisdom and who knows all the solutions.

Is this too idealistic?  Too much to ask?  

When we have disagreements, whether within congress, an earthly kingdom, or within the home, there is the Boss who has the resolution!  There doesn't have to be a "wrong" side or a "right" side - because there is His "side!"  

Any other way is like saying that we know better than an Omniscient God!  

Seeking Him for advice, we must be willing to actually take His advice! When He gives the solution, we need not ever wonder if it is best, because we already know His awesome character - He wants to restore, build, provide, love, heal, and have peace.  Those are His dreams for us.  But we must cooperate!

When we see Him and treat Him as Lord, because He is, then we bow to His wisdom and knowledge about everything.  Can you imagine if we prayed to Him without any agenda of our own?!  If we truly sought His will over our own?  Yeah, I know.  It's hard to imagine on a global scale because we may have gotten beyond the point of no return in some areas.  

But God is still in the restoration business!  If we would but turn to Him - both as nations and as individuals - oh what miracles would occur!

We need to get back to God, friends.  He is the answer.  He loves us still.  He knows the way.  And He is still the Boss!

Lord, it's a shame how You are misconstrued as being a "religious" force and not as the Omnipotent Ruler that You are!  You are not only Lord of Your Church, but you are Lord of all!  I pray that You would open the eyes of all to see You as Lord, as our only help, and our true salvation.  Thank You for having a beautiful and wonderful plan for Your world, Lord, and everyone in it. May we get on board with You to do Your will, Your way in this beautiful world that You created just for us.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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