
Showing posts with the label meaning of life

Why the Word is crucial for life

Everything we need is found in the Word of God. The meaning of life Salvation Hope True love Fulfillment Destiny Past and future events Truth Our relationship with God Who God is Why we were created Where we are going Our reason for living Belonging And so much more If we don't know God, we don't know Life. If we don't know God's Word, we don't know Him. When I think that God bothered to reveal Himself to us at all, it blows my mind.  He didn't have to tell us anything.  He gave us the entire universe as proof of His existence. But He wanted to be known.  He wanted to reassure us that He is there - as God our Father, as the One holding everything together with the power of His might, as the Savior that we all need.  It is a privilege that we can get to know God at all.  So why aren't more people lining up for this awesome journey? People make God into their own image.  He is thus-and-so.  But you wouldn't want anyone defining you as something that you ...