
Showing posts with the label division

Jesus was polarizing

When truth is spoken, those living in lies and darkness are offended by it. Jesus called people out on their stuff.  He did not show up on this earth to condemn it, but to love and save it.  However, by speaking the truth (He was and is the Truth), He ruffled some feathers, to put it mildly. What did Jesus speak? For one, He told us that the only way to God was through Himself.  The Pharisees were deeply troubled and offended by this for many reasons.  For starters, they were jealous of Jesus.  Jesus had a following.  But in the religious leaders' eyes, His followers weren't the "right" people.  They held no status.  Many were downright sinful, awful human beings in their eyes. But Jesus set the Pharisees straight on their judgmental standards.  He points out that they were actually the ones in danger of the fire of hell.  In their pride and self-righteousness, they were digging their own pits of self-destruction, though they thought the...