Seeking God's Kingdom above all else
I came across a reference to this familiar verse this morning in my quiet time. I then asked the Lord to reveal to me what that means - how to do this in my daily life. He brought another Scripture to mind: "...for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." Romans 14:17 It really whittles it down very practically. If what I am seeking at any given moment is righteous, keeps me in God's peace, brings me His joy, then I am seeking His Kingdom in that moment! On the other hand, if what I am seeking leads me to idolatry, or anxiety, or any other fleshly thing, then in that moment, I am not seeking His Kingdom - putting Him first. As Christians, we do both of these on any given day. Our flesh is constantly waging war against the Spirit. It comes down to choice. Will we choose to seek Him first - His righteousness, His peace, His joy - and in so doing enter into His Kingdom right here and ho...