
Showing posts with the label lies

Letting go of useless distractions

There are a plethora of sayings out there telling us what we need to do with and in our lives.  Here is a short list of items that you may have heard. And now that you have heard them, perhaps repeatedly, you feel an unconscious, or even conscious, weight on you like you “have” to do these things.  Word for you:  you don’t. Here we go: 1.  Find your tribe If Jesus is our truest and highest and only example in how to live, then this statement is not one for Christians.  Jesus was about doing His Father’s work every day of His earthly ministry.  Jesus was not concerned about “fitting in,” or finding His tribe.  He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah!  That was enough for Him.  And you being a child of God is enough for you, whether or not you ever find a “tribe.”  Finding your tribe is a useless pursuit because people change.  People are fickle.  People leave.  Putting our hope or identity in a tribe is a recipe for disappoint...

Enemy tactics

Did you know that the enemy will distract you from God's will with something totally unrelated to His will?  The enemy is always trying to divert our attention off of the Lord and onto something totally irrelevant to our walk with God. When you obey God's will, you have a huge influence on those around you. You never fully know, this side of heaven how your obedience is influencing others for His Kingdom, but God promises to bless your obedience.  So not only does your obedience bless your life, but is also blesses those in your sphere of influence. Be forewarned: when God tells you to do something, and you obey God and step out in faith, the enemy will try to get your focus on something or someone that doesn't matter in the least to your calling. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood.  So when the enemy brings to mind how someone mistreated you, remember that you are dealing with principalities and strongholds in the spiritual realm, not  the person who harmed...