Enemy tactics

Did you know that the enemy will distract you from God's will with something totally unrelated to His will?  The enemy is always trying to divert our attention off of the Lord and onto something totally irrelevant to our walk with God.

When you obey God's will, you have a huge influence on those around you. You never fully know, this side of heaven how your obedience is influencing others for His Kingdom, but God promises to bless your obedience.  So not only does your obedience bless your life, but is also blesses those in your sphere of influence.

Be forewarned: when God tells you to do something, and you obey God and step out in faith, the enemy will try to get your focus on something or someone that doesn't matter in the least to your calling.

Our struggle is not against flesh and blood. 

So when the enemy brings to mind how someone mistreated you, remember that you are dealing with principalities and strongholds in the spiritual realm, not the person who harmed you.  You are not dealing with the person any more.

The enemy uses past offenses to keep us in bondage by putting thoughts in our minds about the offensive person instead of showing you the truth: it is demons who are tempting you to dwell in the offense.  The person has nothing to do with your mental and emotional torment!  Not even the memory is to blame.  It is spiritual warfare. 

The way out?


Getting your focus off of the "person" and onto Christ.

Worshiping God.

Praying for your offender.

Trusting God for deliverance.

Forgive, forgive, forgive.

Realize that you are in a spiritual battle and your weapons to win must be spiritual too.  Thinking, mulling it over in your mind - those are not spiritual.  You are relying on reasoning and "natural remedies" to a supernatural issue.

Press on through to the other side where there is release and freedom.  Battles are not usually finished in a minute!  Oh how I wish they were!  Some of them rage on for some time.  Persevere!  We are the winners in Christ!

Satan is trying to make it about the person who hurt you.  

God wants to make it about His forgiveness, His love in you, moving forward in His calling, and trusting Him for release.

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses
 us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere." 2 Corinthians 2:14


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