The word I received for 2021
So at the end of every year, I spend some extended time with the Lord. I want to get the lowdown for the upcoming year. At the end of 2019, I had a very ominous feeling. Not in my 30+ years of spending time with Jesus had I ever felt that before. He didn't tell me about the pandemic. I just had an ominous sense that 2020 was going to deliver some dark times. I never for one second felt any fear. I felt the ominous feeling but still felt God's peace in me, so I knew that no matter what, I would be safe and He would be with me, as always, and protect me. Three months later, Covid entered the U.S. At the end of 2020, during my extended quiet time with Jesus, I didn't have that ominous feeling. But He did put a word on my heart. Cataclysmic. I knew that was bad. I didn't know the exact meaning of it, so I looked it up. Oh dear. Ok. So no word on the pandemic ending, or whatever. Just one word. Cataclysmic. Again, ...